Do you know how to fill out the new Green Receipts?

Do you know how to fill out the new Green Receipts?

The Tax Authority’s step-by-step manual with the new way to issue green receipts is now available on the Finanças Portal. If you want to access it, Click here. Do you know how to fill out the new Green Receipts?

The “Invoices and receipts – Guide to using the service” has tutorials for the features of the new application for issuing invoices, receipts and invoices-receipts. It is also possible to manage a customer catalogue and a catalogue of goods, services or others. It will be useful in the future.

Easier, or more complicated?

The issuance of invoices on the Tax Authority (Finanças) page has recently changed, which has raised doubts among self-employed workers. The information we were given is that there are now many more options available for those who issue specific green receipts (areas of culture and health, for example) and that this will make life much easier for most self-employed workers. The problem is that when options appear that we didn’t know before, and it is mandatory to fill in all the fields of the form, it creates an initial confusion that you have to overcome.

The ‘Guide’ is now available

The good news is that now we just have to follow the user’s guide and, if all goes well and we don’t lose it, we will be able to fill out everything well according to our situation. I am amazed I even persevered!

The first question arises right away with the Financial discount (desconto Financeiro) option. Even if it does not apply, to proceed, you must fill in this field.

According to the Manual – in the Type (Tipo) it is mandatory to choose one. In my case, it’s “Services”. In the Ref. Type, where EAN appears, this is only for those who use barcodes. In my “normal” case, just choose “Other” and I can move forward…

In the Reference and Description, just write what you want. However you have to write something related to the receipt. If you don’t put anything in, you can’t move forward. Therefore I wrote ‘Services’ in the ‘tipo’ section. I chose ‘outro’ where it says ‘Tipo Ref.’ and I wrote “Explicações”in the ‘referência’. In the ‘Descrição’ I wrote a brief description of the service.

In the values, in the quantity I wrote 1 (because it was a service). But this presented as a problem later on as the quantity box is odd, you have to put 1,000 – for one unit (it is actually pre-filled, but I was worried it might mean 1000). In the “Unit” (Unidade) I choose, ‘not applicable’ and put the corresponding price. In the discounts, I didn’t put anything, I chose the appropriate VAT rate and clicked Save.

The box below didn’t come up for me, but it might for you. I was confused as hell by now. But I was determined not to give up!

Next, we come to the Payment option. You have to choose how you are going to be paid, so I chose Bank Transfer (transferência bancária). Bear in mind that initially I was trying all this without help.

The tutorial online said that filling in the “Payment” (meio de pagamento) field with the IBAN where you will receive the money is “optional”, but It is MANDATORY. It will not let you advance without saying in which account I will receive the money. So, in addition to selecting the payment method, if you put bank transfer, then you have to put your nib too. This new feature will show which accounts you receive your payment in. And they now have one more relevant piece of data to cross-reference information.

Be aware that there is another ‘guide’ circulating on the internet that is only for professionals and this one is too complex for us “ordinary citizens”. This is what was done to help the user fill out the green receipts on the new platform.

There are hundreds of thousands of people who write green receipts. So we better start getting used to this new model because there is no turning back.

Laws change frequently in Portugal and a fair Knowledge of the Portuguese language will help you to keep up with current events. If you sign up today for the year, you will get access to the Intensive Portuguese Online Course (see curriculum) and much more!

Information Source.

Passa recibos verdes? Atenção ao que mudou no Portal das Finanças – Contas Poupança (


2 responses to “Do you know how to fill out the new Green Receipts?”

    • So glad you found it helpful. I will not be waiting until last minute anymore I don’t think. This really caught me off guard. 🙂

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