Portuguese Traditions and Superstitions to bring good fortune for the New Year ahead
The new year is received with great enthusiasm all over the world and sometimes with some curious traditions.
The passing of one year and the beginning of another gives us hope and inspires us to look positively into the future. Maybe we have new ideas, new adventures ahead mixed with some New Year’s Resolutions – Like learning Portuguese 😃
Let’s look at some Portuguese traditions and superstitions to bring us luck!
New clothes
One superstition is that you should wear new clothes – clothes that have never been worn before, to encourage renewal. You need to hot foot it to the lingerie shop too, while you still have time, and get yourself some blue underwear to bring that good fortune. If you are looking for a professional success, choose brown; if you want to be lucky in love then grab those red panties; if you want to solve problems then yellow is the way to go.
Maybe you can try wearing them all!
Champagne and Raisins
After dinner, as midnight approaches, you need to grab the champagne and twelve raisins. The raisins must be eaten on the 12 second countdown to midnight and for each raisin eaten you must make a wish! Some, depending on how much they have drunk, decide to combine traditions and step up on a chair, with the champagne and raisins, this needs to be with the right foot first. Ideally you should also have money in your pocket or in your hand to attract prosperity.
At midnight the streets get noisy. A symphony of whistles, horns and fireworks. Our neighbours always have their own display. Much to the displeasure of my cat.

Pots and Pans
In Lisbon people used to grab pots and pan lids from the kitchen and bang on them with spoons to chase away evil spirits. This would rid the house of all the evil from the previous year – just like that!
We need to get a cauldron out this year and an oar!
Out with the old!
Another curious ‘tradição’ or ‘superstição’ is to throw away everything old and damaged at home. (that might not leave me with much!) Like the idea of New Clothes, this ritual is to promote renewal.
On the first day of the year, hundreds of people set off for the beach to have a New Year’s dip. This cleanses the body and soul – ready to face the challenges for the New Year ahead!
What traditions and superstitions do you have in your country?
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