Regular Portuguese Verbs
Regular verbs in Portuguese follow a set pattern or formular, this is what makes them regular. Once you have learned […]
How to use Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns, are words we use when we are referring to objects, without naming them. In English we would use […]
15 Portuguese Cuts of Meat you need to know
Over the years that I have been teaching Portuguese, students have enquired about various meat cuts. If you are planning […]
Buying clothes in Portugal
Here is some vocabulary for clothing in Portuguese. There can be some confusion with certain names as they can apply […]
Portuguese False friends
In the Portuguese language we have many False Friends, these are words that look similar to English words, but mean […]
How do I ask for something in Portuguese?
In English we often use the verb ‘to have’ when we are asking for things: – May I have the […]